In olden days human tendency was to give and take policy which stated that if someone needs something than he must give some or the other thing to other person for getting that thing (barter system). At that time there was no intension of earning profit so work was carried out smoothly. All the social quarries were solved by sitting and taking together.
Time kept on changing. The famous Communist Karl Mark said “As the flow of money increases, getting it more and more will be the main aim “In this the people with luck and mind became richer and richer. The saying “Money attracts Money” became true. Then richer class started exploiting the poor class by lending money on high rate of interest. Surplus Value of Labour according to Karl Mark became low and the money of society also went to the richer class.
Karl Mark said these before 8th century. At that time father of nation Mahatma Gandhi gave the example to Gujarat to world for having most number of Credit Society and Banks in Gujarat. The main aim of all these Credit Society and bank is Cooperation amongst the people. There were holdings saying “Without Cooperation no Lending” by these system no one became too richer or too poorer. Cooperation means being together with people in their good and tough time and working with them
These Cooperation consisted of five pillars Shareholders, Non Shareholders, Businessman , Staff and Board of Directors who should work together an cooperate with each other.
Our bank’s main office building is beautifully enclave with ancient art and architecture where all the five pillars work with cooperative environment and hence the building was named as “SAHAKAR SADHANA”.